机械英语专业论文及翻译 机械英语论文及翻译字左右篇一
on the modernization of the concept of translation studies 摘要:本文认为,人类翻译经历了三个阶段,即口语翻译阶段、文字翻译阶段和文化翻译阶段,目前我们已经处于文化翻译阶段。鉴于翻译所处的文化语境已经变化,所以我们有必要进行译学观念的现代化,调整、丰富和充实我们对翻译和翻译研究的认识,推进翻译学学科的建设。
关键词:翻译研究 译学理论 观念现代化
abstract: the present paper aims to propose there are three periods in the translation history of the world, i.e., the period of oral communication(close to interpreting), the period of written translation and the period of cultural we are in the third period when the cultural context of the translation and the translation studies have taken great ’s time to modernize and adjust our concepts about the translation and the translation studies and bring new dimensions to them in order to put forward the construction of the translation studies as a relatively independent words: translation studies, translation theories, modernization of the concept
反对者中有人说:“译家不可能因为掌握了现有的任何一套翻译理论或遵循了以上任何一套翻译原则,其翻译水准就会有某种质的飞跃。„„如今我国译林之中的后起之秀,可谓人才济济,无论他们用什么翻译理论武装自己,无论他们对翻译的过程、层次有多透彻的认识,无论他们对翻译美学原理如何精通,无论他们能把读者分成多少个层次从而使其翻译更加有的放矢,也无论他们能用理论界最近发明的三种机制、四种转换模式把翻译中的原文信息传递得如何有效,他们的译作会比傅雷的高明多少呢?霍克思(david hawks)与闵福德(john minford),虽然是西方人士(后者还曾是笔者所在学系的翻译讲座教授),从来就不信什么等值、等效论,他们凭着深厚的语言功底和坚强的毅力,也‘批阅十载’,完成了《红楼梦》的翻译。在众多的英文版《红楼梦》中,他们的译作出类拔萃,在英美文学翻译界堪称一绝。霍克思在他写的翻译后记一书中也没有提到任何时髦的翻译理论,但东西方翻译界和翻译理论界仍然为其译作而折服。由此可见,翻译理论与译作的质量并没有必然的关系。”还有一位自称“在20世纪出版了50多部中英法互译作品的译者”也声称:“从实践上讲,西方的‘纯理论’对我完全无用。”ii
i 这些话听上去振振有词,甚至咄咄逼人,其实明显失之偏颇,而且不经一驳。因为这些话的前提是:翻译的纯理论应该对译作的质量负责,翻译的纯理论应该对翻译实践“有用”。如此提出问题,已经到了幼稚可笑的地步。这就像一个泥瓦匠和一个小木匠跑去对一位建筑学教授说,“你写的《建筑学》对我们造房子毫无用处。”更有甚者,他们俩还硬牵着那位建筑学教授到工地上去,泥瓦匠对教授说:“你写了那么多的建筑学论文,你现在倒砌一垛墙给我们看看,有没有我砌的墙结实。”小木匠对教授说:“你研究了那么多年的建筑学理论,我让你刨一块木板,看你能不能像我一样刨得既平整又光滑。”看,这个泥瓦匠和那个小木匠对建筑学理论的否定,与上述两位作者对翻译理论(纯理论)的质疑和否定,真可谓异曲同工,何其相似乃尔。
其次,也即第二个突破,指的是当代西方的翻译研究不再局限于对翻译文本本身的研究,而是还把目光投射到了译作的发起者(即组织或提议翻译某部作品的个人或群体)、翻译文本的操作者(译者)和接受者(此处的接受者不光指的是译文的读者,还有整个译语文化的接受环境)身上。它借鉴了接受美学、读者反应等理论,跳出了对译文与原文之间一般字面上的忠实与否之类问题的考察,而注意到了译作在新的文化语境里的传播与接受,注意到了翻译作为一种跨文化传递行为的最终目的和效果,还注意到了译者在这整个翻译过程中所起的作用,等等。自上世纪七十年代起,以詹姆斯·霍尔姆斯(james s holmes)、埃文-佐哈(itamar even-zohar)、吉迪恩·图里(gideon toury)、利菲弗尔(andré lefevere)、苏珊·巴斯奈特(susan bassnett)、朗贝尔(josé lambert)、以及梵·登·勃鲁克( den broeck)等为代表一些学者,他们的研究就属于这种性质。他们竭力打破文学翻译研究中业已存在的禁锢,探索建立文学翻译研究的新模式。他们都把翻译研究的重点放在翻译的结果、功能和体系上,他们都对制约和决定翻译成果和翻译接受的因素、对翻译与各种译本类型之间的关系、翻译在特定民族或国别文学内的地位和作用、以及翻译对民族文学间的相互影响所起的作用感到兴趣。这无疑是翻译研究的一大深化和进展,也是当代西方翻译研究中的第二个大的突破。
最后,当代西方翻译研究中一个最大的、也即第三个大的突破,还表现在把翻译放到一个宏大的跨文化和跨学科的语境中去审视。研究者开始关注翻译研究中语言学科以外的其他学科的因素。他们一方面认识到翻译研究作为一门独立学科的性质,另一方面又看到了翻译研究这门学科的多学科性质,注意到它不仅与语言学、而且还与文艺学、比较文学、哲学甚至社会学、政治学、心理学等学科都有密不可分的关系。但是翻译研究最终关注的当然还是文本在跨文化交际和传递中所涉及的一系列文化问题,诸如翻译在译入语文化语境里的地位、作用,以及文化误读、信息增添、信息失落等。正如韦努蒂(lawrence venuti)提到的,“符号学、语境分析、和后结构主义文本理论等表现出了重要的概念差异和方法论差异,但是它们在关于‘翻译是一种独立的写作形式,它迥异于外语文本和译语文本’这一点上还是一致的。”
在这种情况下,翻译不再被看作是一个简单的两种语言之间的转换行为,而是译入语社会中的一种独特的政治行为、文化行为、文学行为,而译本则是译者在译入语社会中的诸多因素作用下的结果,在译入语社会的政治生活、文化生活、乃至日常生活中扮演着有时是举足轻重的角色。鉴于此,德国功能学派的另一学者贾斯塔·霍尔兹-曼塔利(justa holz-manttari)甚至不把翻译简单地称作为“翻译”(translation),而是用一个杜撰的、含义更为广泛的新词“迻译行为”(translatorial action)代替它,以表示各种各样的跨文化交际行为。这个词还不光局限于翻译、改编、编译,它甚至把与外来文化有关的编辑、查阅等行为也包括在内。在这种“行为”里,译者变得像是一个根据委托人要求设计“产品规范”(product specification)的专家,并生产符合接受者文化圈特定需要的“信息传递物”(message transmitter),而译作也不再寻求与原文的等值,而只是一份能满足委托人需要的目的语文本。
第三阶段,也许我们可以称之为文化翻译阶段,因为这一阶段的翻译已成为民族间全方位的文化交流,成为极重要的一项人类文化交际行为,翻译的视野大大拓宽。第三阶段的开始大致可以追溯至上世纪五十年代末、六十年代初,当时雅各布逊提出了翻译的三种类型、也即语内翻译、语际翻译和符际翻译时,这种翻译的定义显然已经背离了传统的译学观念,它越出了单纯语言的界限,使得翻译的定义不再仅仅是“语言文字的转换”,而是进入了宽泛意义上的信息转换和传递。至于之后的德国功能学派翻译学学者汉斯·威尔梅(hans vermeer)的翻译行为理论(action theory of translation)竭力强调译者的目标(skopos)在翻译过程中的决定性作用,英国的斯坦纳提出“理解也是翻译”、当代美国女性主义批评家斯皮瓦克提出“阅读即翻译”等概念,更是大大拓展了翻译的含义,使得翻译成了几乎渗透人类所有活动的一个行为,从人际交往到人类自身的思想、意识、政治、社会活动,等等;当代西方文化理论,则进一步把翻译与政治、意识形态等联系起来,翻译的内涵更是空前扩大。如后殖民主义翻译理论家尼南贾纳声称:“我对翻译的研究,完全不是要去解决什么译者的困境,不是要在理论上再给翻译另立一说,以便能够找到一个‘缩小’不同文化间之‘隔阂’的更加保险可靠的‘办法’。相反,它是要对这道隔阂、这种差异作彻底的思索,要探讨如何把对翻译的执迷(obsession)和欲望加以定位,以此来描述翻译符号流通其间的组织体系。关于翻译的论述是多种多样的,但它们却都没有或缺乏或压制了对历史性和不对称的意识。就这一状况进行考察,便是我的关怀所在。”
其实,对于翻译理论有用无用的困惑,不光在我国翻译界存在,在国外也同样存在。2002年出版的一本《理论对翻译家有用吗?――象牙之塔与语词表面之间的对话》讨论的也是这个问题。该书的两位作者andrew chesterman和 emma wagner指出,那种指令性的研究(prescriptive study),也就是要去规定翻译家该怎么做、不该怎么做的研究,已经过时了(old-fashioned),现在的研究者(显然是指的纯理论研究者),要做的是描述性的研究(descriptive study),他们的研究是“描述、解释、理解翻译家所做的事,而不是去规定翻译家该怎么做。”
[1]谢天振.译介学[m].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.[2]谢天振.翻译研究新视野[m].青岛:青岛出版社,2003.[3]许宝强、袁伟(选编).语言与翻译的政治[c].北京:中央编译出版社,2001.[4]张柏然、许钧(主编).面向21世纪的译学研究[c].北京:商务印书馆,2002.[5]anderman,gunilla and margaret rogers, ation today—trends and perspectives multilingual matters ltd, clevedon, 2003.[6]chesterman, andrew and emma theory help translators? a dialogue between the ivory tower and the wordface [m]. publishing, manchester,uk & northampton, ma, 2002.[7]niranjana, translation: history, post-structuralism, and the
colonial context [m].university of california press, berkley·los angeles· oxford,1992.i 李克兴《中国翻译学科建设的出路》,载《译学新探》,青岛出版社,2002年,第147页。
许渊冲《关于翻译学的论战》,《外语与外语教学》2001年第11期。iii lawrence venuti translation studies reader, routledge, 2000, 同上,参见p.216-7。v sherry simon, gender in translation, routledge, 1996,p.7 vi 尼南贾纳《为翻译定位》,载《语言与翻译的政治》,中央编译出版社,2001年,第122-123页。vii 参见《语言与翻译的政治》,中央编译出版社,2001年,第1页。viii 参见《中国翻译》2002年第6期第35页。ix 参见李小钧《促进译学观念转变 推动译学建设――2002年上外中国译学观念现代化高层学术论坛综述》,载《中国比较文学》2003年第1期。x 同上。xi andrew chesterman and emma wagner,can theory help translators?—a dialogue between the ivory tower and the wordface, publishing, manchester, uk & northanmpton, ma, 2002,
机械英语专业论文及翻译 机械英语论文及翻译字左右篇二
research on polishing process of a special
polishing machine tool guilian wang1,2 and yiqiang wang1 1college of mechanical engineering, jilin university, changchun, china 2college of mechanical engineering, jiamusi university, jiamusi, china
然而,它对的自由面精加工是相对困难的,比如由计算机数字控制机器加工 的自由面,因为其轨迹误差较大。由于多样化和模具表面的不规则性,抛光工具在加工过程中必须根据工件表面形状改变运动轨迹。此外,对自由曲面的抛光要求对抛光力精确控制和高的加工稳定性,可有效完成工件表面材料的均匀去除。所以开发一种特殊的抛光设备是有意义且必须的。
fn=fs cosα(1)vs=nrsinα(2)
通过虚拟轴混合机床与抛光工具系统的结合,本机床拥有两个平衡部件和串联部件,所以它有快速反应、短传播链和高环境适应力的优势,它可以提供任何方向的运动非常适合抛光自由曲面。yu等人研究了这个由灵活的多体系统动力学原理研制的混联机床的动态特性。除了运动的开始时间,在抛光运动的各个时 期机器可以保持稳定的状态。此外,本机床使用的cnc系统是自主开发的基于pmac(可编程多轴控制器)的并行双cpu系统。后台管理和人机界面都是由工业pc实时控制,如六轴运动控制和逻辑i/o信号控制都是基于pmac的。
图二:串并联混合抛光机床结构示意图 1.柱2.鞍座3.支架4.运动平台5.系列机械结构 6.抛光工具7.工件8.静平台
图三:抛光机末端执行器 1.伺服电机2.汽缸连接接头3.汽缸4.调心轴承5.马达缸6.弹簧7.导柱8.耦合器9.钳10.主轴
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机械英语专业论文及翻译 机械英语论文及翻译字左右篇三
专做机械类毕业设计,可代画cad、proe图 有需要可联系q q3590003551、calypso2、calypso13、holonic生产系统的产品设计
机械英语专业论文及翻译 机械英语论文及翻译字左右篇四
a smart copper(ii)-responsive binucleargadolinium(iii)complex-based magnetic resonanceimaging contrast agent†
yan-meng xiao,ab gui-yan zhao,ab xin-xiu fang,ab yong-xia zhao,ab guan-hua wang,c wei yang*a and jing-wei xu*a a novel gd-do3a-type bismacrocyclic complex, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], with a cu2+-selective binding unitwas synthesized as a potential “smart” copper(ii)-responsive magnetic resonance imaging(mri)contrast relaxivity of the complex was modulated by the presence or absence of cu2+;in the absence of cu2+, the complex exhibited a relatively low relaxivity value(6.40 mm1 s1), while the addition of cu2+ triggered an approximately 76% enhancement in relaxivity(11.28 mm1 s1).moreover, this cu2+-responsive contrast agent was highly selective in its response to cu2+ over other biologically-relevant metal influence of some common biological anions on the cu2+-responsive contrast agent and the luminescence lifetime of the complex were also results of the luminescence lifetime measurements indicated that the enhancement in relaxivity was mainly ascribed to the increased number of inner-sphere water molecules binding to the paramagnetic gd3+ core upon the addition of cu2+.in addition, the visual change associated with the significantly enhanced relaxivity due to the addition of cu2+ was observed from t1-weighted phantom uction copper(ii)ion is a vital metal nutrient for the metabolism of life and plays a critical role in various biological processes.1,2 its homeostasis is critical for the metabolism and development of living organisms.3,4 on the other hand, the disruption of its homeostasis may lead to a variety of physical diseases and neurological problems such as alzheimer’s disease,5 menkes and wilson’s disease,6 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,7,8 and prion disease.9,10 therefore, the assessment and understanding of the distribution of biological copper in living systems by noninvasive imaging is crucial to provide more insight into copper homeostasis and better understand the relationship between copper regulation and its physiological function.a wide variety of organic uorescent dyes have been exploited for the optical detection of ions in the last few decades.11–13however, optical imaging using organic uorescent dyes hasseveral limitations such as photobleaching, light scattering,limited penetration, low spatial resolution and the disturbance of auto uorescence.14 by comparison, magnetic resonance imaging(mri)is an increasingly accessible technique used as a noninvasive clinical diagnostic modality for medical diagnosis and biomedical research.15 it can provide high spatial resolution three-dimensional anatomical images with information about physiological signals and biochemical events.16 as a powerful diagnostic imaging tool in medicine, mri can distinguish normal tissue from diseased tissue and lesions in a noninvasive manner,17–19 which avoids diagnostic thoracotomy or laparotomy surgery for medical diagnoses and greatly improves the diagnostic le mri imaging parameters can provide a wealth of diagnostic addition, the desired cross-section for acquiring multi-angle and multi-planar images of various parts of the entire body can be freely chosen by adjusting the mri magnetic eld;this ability makes medical diagnostics and studies of the body’s metabolism and function more and more effective and st agents are often used in mri examinations to improve the resolution and sensitivity;the image quality can be signicantly improved by applying contrast agents which enhance the mri signal intensity by increasing the relaxation rates of the surrounding water protons.20 due to the high magnetic moment(seven unpaired electrons)and slow electronic relaxation of the
paramagnetic gadolinium(iii)ion, gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast agents are commonly employed to increase the relaxation rate of the surrounding water protons.16,21 however, most of these contrast agents are nonspecific and provide only anatomical the basis of solomon–bloembergen–morgan theory,22–24 several parameters can be manipulated to alter the relaxivity of gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast parameters include the number of coordinated water molecules(q), the rotational correlation time(sr)and the residence lifetime of coordinated water molecules bound to the paramagnetic gd3+ center(sm).adjusting any of these three factors provides the opportunity to design “smart” mri contrast agents for specific biochemical events.25–27 in recent years, there have been many studies on the development of responsive gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast agents;most of them have focused on the development of targeted, high relaxivity and bioactivated contrast responsive gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast agents can be modulated by particular in vivo stimuli including ph,28–35 metal ion concentration36–43 and enzyme activity.44–50 notably, a number of copper-responsive mri contrast agents have been reported to detect uctuations of copper ions in vivo.51–58 these activated contrast agents exploit the modulation of the number of coordinated water molecules to generate distinct enhancements in longitudinal relaxivity in response to copper ions(cu+ or cu2+).in this study, we designed and synthesized a binuclear gadolinium-based mri contrast agent, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], that is specically responsive to cu2+ over other biologicallyrelevant metal new copper-responsive mri contrast agent comprises two gd-do3a cores connected by a 2,6-bis(3-methyl-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)isonicotinic acid scaffold59,60(bmpna), which functions as a receptor for copper-induced relaxivity synthetic strategy for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] is depicted in scheme uently, the t1 relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] was studied at 25 c and 60 mhz in the absence or presence of cu2+.experiments to determine the selectivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] towards cu2+ over other biologically-relevant ions were carried out as scence lifetime was measured to determine the number of coordinated water molecules(q)of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the absence or presence of cu2+.in addition, t1-weighted phantom images were collected to visualize the relaxivity enhancement caused by cu2+, suggesting potential in vivo mental section
materials and instruments
all materials for synthesis were purchased from commercial suppliers and used without further purication.1h and 13c nmr spectra were taken on an amx600 bruker ft-nmr spectrometer with tetramethylsilane(tms)as an internal scence measurements were performed on a hitachi fluorescence time-resolved luminescence emission spectra were recorded on a perkin-elmer ls-55 uorimeter with the following conditions: excitation wavelength, 295 nm;emission wavelength, 545 nm;dela time, 0.02 ms;gate time, 2.00 ms;cycle time, 20 ms;excitation slit, 5 nm;emission slit, 10 luminescence lifetime was measured on a lecroy wave runner 6100 digital oscilloscope(1 ghz)using a tunable laser(pulse width ¼ 4 ns, gate ¼ 50 ns)as the excitation(continuum sunlite opo).mass spectra(ms)were obtained on an auto ex iii tof/tof maldi-ms and anionspec esi-fticr mass tal analyses were performed on a vario el element sis synthesis of compound 2,6-bis(3-(bromomethyl)-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)isonicotinate(compound1)59,60 and 4,7,10-tris(2-(tert-butoxy)-2-oxoethyl)-4,7,10-triaza-azoniacyclododecan-1-ium bromide(compound 2)61 were prepared following thereported nd 2(0.25 g, 0.296 mmol)was suspended in 2 ml anhydrous acetonitrile with 6 equivalents of nahco3(0.1492 g)and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 0.5 nd 1(0.0675 g, 0.148 mmol)was added, and the mixture was slowly heated to reflux(80 c)and stirred the reaction was terminated, the mixture was cooled to room temperature, and the solution was precipitate was washed several times with anhydrous acetonitrile, and the collected ltrate solution was evaporated under reduced residue was puried using silicagel column chromatography eluted with ch2cl2–n-hexane–ch3oh(10 : 3 : 1, v/v/v)to afford compound 3(0.1038 g, 53%)as a pale yellow solid.1h nmr(600 mhz, dmso): 8.22(s, 2h), 8.15(s, 2h), 6.62(s, 2h), 4.53(s, 4h), 3.82(s, 3h), 3.42(m, 4h), 2.98(m, 8h), 2.85(s, 8h), 2.71(m, 24h), 1.33(s, 54h)(fig.s1†).13c nmr(151 mhz, cdcl3): d 173.21, 172.44, 163.99, 152.38, 150.11, 143.13, 128.07, 109.83, 108.36, 82.59, 57.84, 56.52, 56.06, 55.56, 52.98, 50.55, 48.91, 47.30, 27.96(fig.s2†).hrms(esi): m/z c67h111n13o14 [m + 2h]2+ 661.92650, [m + h + na]2+ 672.91747, [m + 2na]2+ 683.90844, found [m + 2h]2+ 661.92584, [m+ h + na]2+ 672.91690, [m + 2na]2+ 683.90682(fig.s3†).synthesis of compound nd 3(0.1 g, 0.0756 mmol)was stirred with triuoroacetic acid in methylene chloride solution(2 ml)at room temperature for 24 solvent was then evaporated under reduced pressure, and the residue was washed three times in ch3oh and ch2cl2 to eliminate excess obtained residue was dissolved with a minimum volume of ch3oh and precipitated with cold precipitate was ltered to afford a brown yellow solid(0.1022 g).1h nmr(600 mhz, dmso): 9.06(s, 2h), 8.17(s, 2h), 6.84(s, 2h), 4.33(s, 4h), 3.98(s, 3h), 3.56(b, 20h), 3.09(m, 24h)(fig.s4†).13c nmr(151 mhz, d2o): d 174.11, 169.13, 164.64, 150.75, 148.85, 142.10, 129.88, 109.75, 107.99, 55.69, 54.01, 53.10, 52.43, 51.15, 49.59, 48.22, 47.69(fig.s5†).maldi-tofms spectrum(ch3oh): m/z c43h63n13o14 [m h] 984.46, found 984.7(fig.s6†).anal c43h63n13o14-$3cf3cooh$2h2o: c, 43.14;h, 5.17;n, 13.35;found c, 42.34;h, 4.999;n, 13.29%.preparation of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] and [tb2(do3a)2-bmpna].compound 4(0.05 mmol)was dissolved in 2 ml of highly-puried 3 or tbcl3(0.1 mmol)was added ph was maintained at 6.5–7.0 with naoh during the whole solution was then stirred at 75 c for 24 -ms(h2o): m/z c42h55n13o14gd2 [m + h]+ 1281.46, found 1281.4(fig.s7†).maldi-ms(h2o): m/z c42h55n13o14tb2 [m + h]+ 1284.3, found 1284.4(fig.s8†).t1 longitudinal relaxation times(t1)of aqueous solutions of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] were measured on an ht-mrsi60-25 spectrometer(shanghai shinning globe science and education equipment co., ltd)at 1.5 of the tested samples were prepared in hepes-buffered aqueous solutions at ph of the metal ions(na+, k+, ca2+, mg2+, cu2+, zn2+, fe3+, fe2+)were used as chloride trations of gd3+ were determined by vities were determined from the slope of the plot of 1/t1 vs.[gd].the data were tted to the following eqn(1),20
(1/t1)obs ¼(1/t1)d + r1[m](1)
where(1/t1)obs and(1/t1)d are the observed values in the presence and absence of the paramagnetic species, respectively, and [m] is the concentration of paramagnetic [gd].luminescence scence emission spectra were collected on a hitachi uorescence luminescence lifetime was measured on a lecroy wave runner 6100 digital oscilloscope(1 ghz)using a tunable laser(pulse width ¼ 4 ns, gate ¼ 50 ns)as the excitation(continuum sunlite opo).samples were excited at 290 nm, and the emission maximum(545 nm)was used to determine luminescence tb(iii)-based emission spectra were measured using 0.1 mm solutions of tb complex analog in 100 mm hepes buffer at ph 7.4 in h2o and d2o in the absence and presence of cu2+.the number of coordinated water molecules(q)was calculated according to eqn(2):62,63 q= ¼ 5(sh2o1 sd2o1 0.06)(2)t1-weighted mri phantom m images were collected on a 1.5 t ht-mrsi60-25 spectrometer(shanghai shinning globe science and education equipment co., ltd).instrument parameter settings were as follows: 1.5 t magnet;matrix =256 256;slice thickness =1 mm;te= 13 ms;tr= 100 ms;and number of acquisitions =s and discussion longitudinal relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in response to copper(ii)ion to investigate the inuence of cu2+ on the relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], the longitudinal relaxivity r1 for the [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] contrast agent was determined using t1 measurements in the absence or presence of cu2+ at 60 mhz and 25 c using a 0.2mmgd3+ solution of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in 100 mm hepes buffer(ph 7.4)under simulated physiological condit concentrations of gd3+ were determined by relaxivity r1 was calculated from eqn(1).in the absence of cu2+, the relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] was 6.40 mm1 s1, which was higher than that of [gd(dota)(h2o)](4.2 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 25 c)and gd(do3a)(h2o)2(4.8 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 40 c).64 upon addition of up to 1 cu2+, the relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] increased to 11.28 mm1 s1(76% relaxivity enhancement).as shown in fig.1, the relaxivity gradually increased with the copper ion concentration, reaching a maximum value of approximately 1.2 equivalents of cu2+.due to the use of triuoroacetic acid in the synthesis of compound 4, triuoroacetic acid residues produced cf3coo in the [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] solution, allowing cf3coo to partially coordinate with cu2+ to form “chinese lantern” type structure complexes.65 when the amount of added copper ions was further increased to above 1.2 equiv., the relaxivity was maintained at the same observed difference in cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement demonstrated the ability of this contrast agent to sense cu2+ in vivo by means of designed contrast agent not only exhibited a higher relaxivity, but also displayed a cu2+-responsive relaxivity ivity studies the relaxivity response of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] exhibited excellent selectivity for cu2+ over a variety of other competing, biologically-relevant metal ions at physiological depicted in fig.2(white bars), the addition of alkali metal cations(10 mm na+, 2 mm k+)and alkaline earth metal cations(2 mm mg2+, 2 mm ca2+)did not generate an increase in relaxivity compared to the copper ion turn-on response;even the introduction of d-block metal cations(0.2 mm fe2+, 0.2 mm fe3+, 0.2 mm or 2 mm zn2+)did not trigger relaxivity noted that zn2+ is also known to replace gd3+ in transmetalation experiments;however, studies with analogous gd3+-do3a complexes demonstrated that this ligand is more kinetically inert to metal-ion exchange.66 to ensure the kinetic stability of the complex, we used ms to monitor [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the presence of 1 zn2+.no metal-ion exchange was observed at room temperature after 7 days(fig.s13†).relaxivity interference experiments for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the presence of both cu2+(0.2 mm)and other biologically-relevant metal ions were also conducted;the results are shown as black bars in fig.2, indicating that these biologically-relevant metal ions(na+, k+, mg2+, ca2+, fe2+, fe3+, zn2+)had no interference on the cu2+-triggered relaxivity addition, we also tested the cu2+ response for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the presence of physiologically-relevant concentrations of common biological anions to determine whether the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement was affected by biological anions at physiological previously mentioned, cu2+ binding induced an enhancement in relaxivity from 6.40 mm1 s1 to 11.28 mm1 s1(a 76% increase).as shown in fig.3, in the presence of citrate(0.13 mm), lactate(0.9 mm), h2po4(0.9 mm), or hco3(10 mm), the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement was approximately 61%(from 6.01 mm1 s1 to 9.66mm1 s1), 66%(from 6.13mm1 s1 to 10.16 mm1 s1), 20%(from 5.88 mm1 s1 to 7.02 mm1 s1), or 55%(from 6.15 mm1 s1 to 9.55 mm1 s1), onally, 100 mm nacl had almost no effect(an approximately 75% increase), and a simulated extracellular anion solution(eas, contain 30 mm nahco3, 100 mm nacl, 0.9 mm kh2po4, 2.3 mm sodium lactate, and 0.13 mm sodium citrate, ph =7),67 resulted in a cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement of approximately 26%(from 6.02 mm1 s1 to 7.56 mm1 s1).generally, the results revealed that lactate, citrate, and hco3 had slight impacts on the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement, while h2po4 and eas influenced the enhancement to a greater shown in scheme 2, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] possessed two water molecules after the addition of 1 cu2+.according to the work of dickins and coworkers, in lanthanide complexes with two water molecules, the waters can be partially displaced by phosphate, carbonate, acetate, carboxylate, lactate and citrate at different levels.68–70 the influence of these anions on the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement may be attributed to the partial replacement of coordinated water molecules by these an relatively high concentration of phosphate could likely replace coordinated water molecules to reduce the increased number of water molecules surrounding the paramagnetic gd3+ centre induced by cu2+.as shown in table 1, we measured the number of water molecules in the rst coordination sphere of tb3+ in the presence of phosphate;the number of coordinated water molecules(q)decreased from 1.5 to nation features luminescence lifetime experiments were performed to explore the mechanism of the cu2+-triggered relaxivity scence lifetime measurements of lanthanide complexes have been widely used to quantify the number of inner-sphere water molecules.71 in particular, tb3+ and eu3+ have commonly been applied for lifetime measurements because their emission spectra are in the visible region when their 4f electrons are relaxed from higher energy levels to the lowest energy multiplets.72,73 therefore, the tb3+ analogue of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], [tb2(do3a)2bmpna], was prepared according to a similar method, and the luminescence lifetimes of the tb3+ analogue in hepes-buffered h2o and d2o in the absence and presence of cu2+ were shown in fig.s9,† the luminescence decay curve of [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] was tted to obtain the luminescence lifetimes74(table 1), and the number of coordinated water molecules(q)was calculated by eqn(2).the analysis results(table 1)for [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] in hepes-bufferedh2oandd2o in the absence and presence of cu2+ indicated that q increased from 0.6 to 1.5 upon the addition of 1 cu2+;this result indicated that the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] was most likely due to the increased number of coordinated water molecules around the gd3+ ion upon cu2+ binding to the pyrazole centre(scheme 2).aer the addition of cu2+, cu2+ removed the pyrazole centre n atom from the paramagnetic gd3+ ion to generate an open coordination site available for a water scence emission titrations of [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] towards cu2+ were also performed to investigate the binding properties of the contrast agent towards cu2+.upon addition of 1 2+, the luminescence of [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] at 545 nm decreased gradually and reached a minimum due to the quenching nature of the paramagnetic cu2+(fig.s10†).the titration data indicated a 1 : 1 binding stoichiometry(scheme 2)copper-responsive t1-weighted phantom mri in vitro to demonstrate the potential feasibility of this cu2+-responsive [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] for copper-imaging applications, t1-weighted phantom images of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] were acquired in the absence and presence of copper phantom images depicted in fig.4 displayed distinct increases in image intensity in the presence of 1 2+ compared with those without cu2+(fig.4d).moreover, some of the other competing metal ions were also tested to further verify the selectivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] towards cu2+.discernible differences were not observed upon the addition of mg2+(fig.4c), zn2+(fig.4e), or ca2+(fig.4f).in addition, we also tested the clinical contrast agent magnevist(fig.4g);the image intensity was a bit darker than that of our contrast sions
in conclusion, we designed and synthesized a novel bismacrocyclic do3a-type cu2+-responsive mri contrast agent, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna].the new cu2+-responsive mri contrast agent comprised two gd-do3a cores connected by a 2,6-bis(3-methyl-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)isonicotinic acid scaffold(bmpna)that functioned as a cu2+ receptor switch to induce a distinct relaxivity enhancement in response to cu2+;the relaxivity was increased up to 76%.importantly, the complex exhibited high selectivity for cu2+ over a range of other biologically-relevant metal ions at physiological scence lifetime experiment results showed that the number of inner-sphere water molecules(q)increased from 0.6 to 1.5 upon the addition of 1 2+.when cu2+ was coordinated in the central part of the complex, the donor n atom of the pyrazole centre was removed from the paramagnetic gd3+ ion and replaced by a water molecule(scheme 2).consequently, the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement could be ascribed to the increase in the number of inner-sphere water designed contrast agent had a longitudinal relaxivity of 6.40 mm1 s1, which was higher than that of [gd(dota)(h2o)](4.2 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 25 c)and gd(do3a)(h2o)2(4.8 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 40 c).in addition, the visual change associated with the signicantly enhanced relaxivity from the addition of cu2+ was observed in t1-weighted phantom ledgements we are grateful to the state key laboratory of electroanalytical chemistry for nancial and references 1 and , ., 2002, 6, 171.2 , and , , ., 2009, 146, 1793.3 ff and a, iol., 1998, 28, 403.4 ski, a-klos, , li, in and in, coord.., 2009, 253, 2665.5 m, s and , discovery, 2004, 3, 205.6 er, kas and , ., 1999, 6, 221.7 ine and , .u.s.a., 2003, 100, 3617.8 , and and, ci., 2004, 27, 723.9 user, ., 2004, 37, 79.10 and ski, dalton trans., 2004, 1907.11 k, ., 1994, 27, 302.12 , ta, ti and roni, coord.., 2000, 205, 59.13 , , , and , ., 2008, 37, 1465.14 di, shan and t, nanoscale, 2011, 3, 3007.15 , magnetic resonance imaging, blackwell science, berlin, 4th edn, 2001, p.149.16 h and ´e.t´oth, the chemistry of contrast agents in medical magnetic resonance imaging, john wiley & sons, ltd., new york, 2001.17 , o, li and , ., 2010, 110, 3019.18 , and o, ., 1998, 27, 19.19 , er and , ., 2006, 35, 500.20 r, ., 1987, 87, 901.21 wski, and , ., 2005, 57, 42.22 n, ., 1955, 99, 559.23 ergen, ., 1957, 27, 572.24 ergen and , ., 1961, 34, 842.25 and , ., 2010, 39, 51.26 and ´e.t´oth, future ., 2010, 2, 367.27 , ta, ti and roni, coord.., 2000, 205, 59.28 , , , zana, ano and , ., 1999, 1577.29 , , , , er, and sousa, new ., 1998, 22, 627.30 and , ., 2000, 707.31 , , , and sousa, ., 1997, 119, 4767.32 , , and o, ., 2006, 128, 11326.33 , , , , , lano, io and rin, ., 2001, 123, 7601.34 d, d, and ess, .soc., perkin trans.2, 2001, 929.35 ´e.t´oth, r, , ´alez, , h, aman and , ., 2004, 127, 799.36 , and , ., 1999, 121, 1413.37 a, , ein, vski and etis, ., 2008, 3444.38 , to, io, u and , analyst, 2007, 132, 1153.39 le´on-rodr´ıguez, , j.a.l´opez, -de-riquer, do-monz´on and , medchemcomm, 2012, 3, 480.40 ski, , and , ., ., 2005, 44, 6920.41 , , and , dalton trans., 2012, 41, 9405.42 a, i, and , .soc., perkin trans.2, 2001, 1840.43 , and h, ., 2004, 842.44 ello, and , ., 2007, 4044.45 s, o, g and , dalton trans., 2010, 3407.46 and , ., 2011, 47, 4998.47 , and , ., ., 1997, 36, 726.48 , , , cher, , , and , hnol., 2000, 18, 321.49 and , ., 2006, 128, 14032.50 , , , , ov, and wski, ., 2006, 128, 13274.51 and , ., 2006, 128, 15942.52 , io, , , and , ., 2009, 131, 8527.53 , io, , and , dalton trans., 2010, 39, 469.54 , and , dalton trans., 2011, 484.55 , and , ., 2012, 3, 1829.56 s, o, g and , dalton trans., 2010, 3407.57 , , , , , and , dalton trans., 2011, 5018.58 , , , , and , biomaterials, 2011, 32, 1167.59 , , and ´ıguez-ubis, ., 2002, 1, 613.60 , , , , and , ctron., 2010, 26, 1043.61 mi, , and i, ., 2008, 130, 14376.62 ks and k, ., 1981, 14, 384.63 , ini, ni, i, li, a and lletti, ., 2005, 44, 529.64 n, n, y and , ., 1999, 99, 2293.65 ov, , , , on and s, ., 2000, 39, 1735.66 e, , , and , g, 1991, 9, 409.67 , coord.., 2000, 205, 109.68 s, ugsson, and k, ., 1998, 1643.69 , s, ock, ugsson, ki, , , k, , and , ., 2000, 122, 9674.70 s, , ov, , , , , , , k and ann, ., 2002, 124, 12697–12705.71 ks and k, ., 1981, 14, 384.72 and y, ., 1982, 54, 610.73 ans, ., 2009, 109, 4283.74 , ini, ni, i, li, a and lletti, ., 2005, 44, journal is © the royal society of chemistry 2014 rsc adv., 2014, 4, 34421–34427 | 34427